Monday, January 4, 2010

holy crap

i can order pizza online. ya. seriously. for reals.
play mario brothers with my whole family (4 players at the same time!!!?) RAD! with, might i add, the same wonderful mario bro soundtrack from my youth.
AND>>this is the best one..
The ATM at my bank now takes checks and cash without an envelope or adding anything up (bonus for me. i hate math).
for reals.. you just put all your stuff in the slot, and they scan it instantly, show it to you , and then viola! you press the Ok button and youre on your way. no pen ( i never have a pen). no envelope .
its a-ma-za-zing

anybody?? anybody appreciating this crazy technology with me?
and... jeep is going to make a hybrid. RAD. but, only in 2 wheel drive. NOT RAD.

This is the car i want..

Why hello there lover....

it will be mine. oh yes. it will be mine.

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