Tuesday, November 17, 2009

connor joe and mi-ke from my other P-town

a while back , when i was a menacing teenage girl, my parents shipped my stubborn- hard- headed- pain- -in -the- butt -ass off to Petaluma. In the hopes of ... well... im not quite sure. I guess just to get me out of their hair . I guess that was cheaper than the whole "military school boot camp things where they can hit you". Oh yes, I saw the pamphlets.
(ok, i know. Avery is sooooo my child)

Long story short. I met a rad girl. named Kelli. my neighbor. my only friend in a new school.
and, let me tell you.. I had the best of times. errr.... sorry mom and dad.


Although the miles still separate us , we will forever be connected .. and a little visit goes a long way. even if they are few and far between.

1 comment:

leslaz said...

I want to live in your photos.