Monday, October 1, 2007

misc this week

thats me...feeling like crap, deaf and in pain from ear wax bacteria. (before the godsent antibiotics) but..happy that at least some of my babies will cuddle with me.
me again...having fun..trying not to be sick

the yard...that i have a feeling will look exactly like this for a while..(hint hint honey..finish the impossible task that you started) we still need to get rid of the lovely "garden decoration" known as our old stove from 2 years ago. hey! at least its made its way from the backyard to the front yard!! waiting on the belated neighbors complaint letters...

self explanatory cuteness...

cool little guy


jenijennjen said...

dude, whats up with the cute wierd green bugs lately? i mean, its not spring... do you think our green bugs are related?

oshareneko said...

The sweet life. :)