Sunday, October 7, 2007

i miss kisses

in a desperate attempt to keep my family healthy, i have restrained myself from giving kisses on the lips.i never realized how many kisses go around this joint. im going through withdrawal.

throat is feeling better, puss is slowly dissapearing, however, gums have swollen up and started to bleed. new sores have appeared on the tip of my tung.. what the hell is wrong with me?? why do i get this weird shit?? resting period is officially over...children are getting stir crazy.
but first ..i must wipe down every door knob, phone, keyboard, mouse, etc, etc, with lysol disinfectant wipes for the 100th time this week.


oshareneko said...

You poor thing. Get well now. Right now. ok?

leslaz said...

oh honey. this is no good. I am sending you all the healing good thoughts that I can.....see them? they zoom over the bay.