Friday, October 29, 2010

mom update

A few months ago my mom and I were hanging out at the bookstore, and one side of her went numb.
It was a minor stroke. and incredible warning. A blood clot had passed through a hole in her heart (birth defect) that she never knew existed.

This week the incredible doctors at UCSF patched the hole ! So crazy!! modern medicine is amazing.
They had said it might be too big to patch through the artery, and she might have to have open heart surgery. So, we are so happy it worked!!! and now she can stop taking Coumadin (insane blood thinner).

They will check in 6 months to make sure the tissue is growing over the "patch", but they said everything went great!
yayyyyyyy baba jules!!
Shes going to feel like a million bucks in a couple weeks with her heart working properly for the first time in her entire life!