Wednesday, October 6, 2010

im in a rut

or maybe im just restless.
baby steps.

I want to make cheese and beer
and tend to chickens & sell their eggs
I want to use well water.
I want to pickle my own cucumbers & radishes.
put them in cute little jars and sell them by the roadside with cute little labels.
i dont want to shower everyday and look presentable.
I dont want to have neightbors
i dont want to take pictures of weddings with crazy brides.
i just dont feel like this is what im supposed to be doing with my life.
i miss the farm.

in one year I will set up my little stand on Tassajara road at rush hour.
it will be the first little baby step to living my dream to live simply.

in the meantime, Brandon will perfect his brew, and I will learn how to make cheese.
there are 17 acres out there just wasting away.
and when the time comes , i will get rid of my cell phone, computer, and TV.

call me crazy. everyone always has . hey! crazy people make shit happen! =)

1 comment:

Shilo and Jason said...

I totally agree with you on the neighbors thing. I want room for my kids to run and spread their wings! I miss growing up on the east coast where we ran through the woods like wild creatures! :-)