Wednesday, October 28, 2009


remember the halloween parade at school? my daughter has been counting the days till the parade on her calendar.
its tomorrow.
today she has a raging fever.
please be almost gone in the morning so i can make her a nice motrin/tylenol cocktail and send her on her way to be with her little friend in the "ladybug club" they made.
oh! the cuteness.
speaking of the ladybug club, she wanted me to be a ladybug so bad, i told her they didnt make that costume in my size. ( i really didnt think they did) but, to my dismay, there it was in target! and she of course spotted it a mile away.
ANd, i would totally love to be a ladybug for halloween, but its more like a polka dotted dress with a rufflebutt bottom & attanea. and its realllly short. even the adult large is tight and short. hello leggings!
i wanted to make her one with a big ol shell and wings and all. but she had loved the one she found and i pretended to be excited. and then i pretended to be excited again when she found the exact replica for me weeks later. (YAY)
I was, however , excited that my child wants to dress up the same with me. this probably wont happen for much longer.
and then i will cry.
so... i will rock my ladybug costume. and cherish these moments of trick or treating with my kids. cause these are the bestest days of my life. i just know it.

i did however get a little too excited about the shoes.. arent they the cutest!?

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