Saturday, May 3, 2008

fasting sucks

since i decided to gorge myself these last few days in yosemite with mass amounts of food and an endless supply of alcohol. (mom started making bloody mary's around 10. god i love you mom!) ,champagne for brunch, beer for lunch, cosmos and lemon drops for dinner, and wine and crown royal for dessert by the campfire , where the kids had an 8 course meal of smores for dinner!
and, seriously , once we were done scrubbing pots and pans , it was time to re-fill them with more food to cook. it was lovely.
however, my point being, today i woke up at 6, made a huge mug of de-tox tea, and decided I would fast for 24 hours. i made it until ten. damn.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

10am or 10pm is the question!

Pam's Place said...

That is pretty funny!I love you.