Tuesday, May 20, 2008

dance baby dance

ive never been a ballet/tap kinda gal, but my daughter is.

I embraced her love of pink tu tu's and hand-me-down tap shoes 3 sizes too big , and enrolled her in dance at the age of 2.

The confidence she exudes at dance unbelievable. this is the girl who is afraid to ring the doorbell at a new friends house,the girl who cries at soccer when someone rips her flag off (you know..like flag football), the girl on the couch at the bday party for the first 15 mintues..afraid to move, . but ,not on that stage.

As the year winds down, her teacher suggested I put her in the "performing company" class next year. since she "loves to dance, and has a knack for memorizing choreography". Registration was over a month ago. i havent done a thing. besides, she will be in kindergarten next year, i want her to try softball, maybe girl scouts...learn how to ride the dirt bike! .i dont know. weve just been waiting...

But..she loves it. she loves it.. soo....i look up this "performing dance company" info..and this is what i find....

ok, now besides the creepy picture...

"Summary of General Expenses in addition to monthly tuition:

TDA Warm-ups – Approximately $150-250

Costumes - $150-$200 each. Each dancer is cast in approximately 2 dances. Some will be cast in more than 2 dances. The minis are only cast in 1 company dance for their first year.

June Concert Costumes: Dancers will have a ballet, tap, and jazz costume from “technique” classes for the June Concert. You may choose to buy none or all of those costumes. Most dancers choose to do all dances in the concert. These costumes are generally between $75 and $100 each.

Shoes, tights, accessories, make-up – Depending upon group, see Tiffany’s Dancewear for general pricing.

Convention/Competitions – Three at the approximate cost of $250 per dancer. ”Minis” participate in only one convention.

Competitions – 1-2 at the approximate cost of $60-90 per dancer.

Nutcracker Performance – Costumes for the Nutcracker are approximately $80-$100 per dance. There are additional tuition costs for the rehearsal classes."

damn...$$$$ uh..girl scouts is free.


RE: peanut said...

UGH! NO!! Don't do it! As a former competition dancer, NO don't do it!! Just let her keep dancing for fun, and keep enjoying it, and just have fun...it becomes less fun and more pageant-y the older they get and that shit is SCARY!!

Be down in a few weeks...hope to see you guys!

Lori Huneke said...

i know! its scary with all the make up and costumes!and the moms are already getting scary. yuck!

i put her in hula classes..dance meets nature...but shes not diggin it half as much.

AlyssaP said...

Dude, that is some money. I was trying to add it up in my head, and the low end is like a grand! Plus, seriously, I'm with Katy. That shit is really scary. That picture of the dancer you posted makes me yearn for that girl's childhood.