Saturday, May 3, 2008

midnight confessions of a happy couple in bed.

me"you didnt get me anything for our anniversary did you?"
b"no, did you get me anything?"
me"no! did you get a card? "
b"no..ha haa."
me"you promise? cause i really didnt get you anything. not even a card"
b"no, i promise. (pause) wow...5 years...."
me"honey..its 4 years...right?"
b"oh, 4 years. right!"

Happy Anniversary to Us!!!


RE: peanut said...

f-ing awesome. That's us too...and it's been 5 (oops, 4) years for us too. Congrats guys!

Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary! 4 years! It seems like WAYYYYYY longer than that! You guys better get with the program for your 5 year and get each other something yo!

Pam's Place said...

Funny how memories are different for everyone. It seems like only yesterday we were sweating in line taking pictures. I can't believe it has been four years