Saturday, June 11, 2011

last day of school

Kids were standing around the front of the school chanting "summer! summer!" and then they rang the real big bell  & all the kids went psycho!

 The day was filled with lots of hugs, fun, water fights, popsicles, yearbook signings, face painting, & pictures with friends.  Even the crossing guard had a little present for Avery and asked to take a pic with the kids. People honked and waved as they drove by. it was like out of a movie or something.

I cant believe I have 3rd & 1st graders!!! every year seems to go faster than the last. And every year I think.. this year cant possible be as amazing than the last. Yet every year we are blessed with incredible teachers . I am going to miss them dearly. And, as Juniper said last night "I already miss them" =( awwww.

Cheers to summer break!!! we celebrated report cards with candy and curly fries from Jack in the box! =)

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