Saturday, March 8, 2008


its been gorgeous out...and we are soakin it in.
I looked on the calendar..first day of spring is the 20th!

Juniper has been super pumped on riding her scooter and trying to bike w/o training wheels, which is HUGE since she didnt even like biking with training wheels!

Funny juniper quote of the day "I want to watch Harry Poppins"

funny avery quote of the day
"holy shit. look at that badger!" in his raspy man voice.
(in response to this badger photo my mom took moments after we left the ranch)

this badger is living out at my parents house. i guess they are really rare to fact, they are practically endangered.
we have had this one hanging around forever, or at least members of her family. they are mean and dig HUGE holes.
This one is carrying her babies to a different spot. i think bella found her hole up in the hills and scared her. i feel bad! poor badger!!! come back!!!
more badger info can be found here

yesterday i lost my glasses down by the creek.
here are some pics....


leslaz said...

Dude. Badgers are SOOOOO mean. One like chased my coworker at a coastal site. Steer clear.

AlyssaP said...

Dude, have you seen that commercial for the car where the dude's in the car with the sleeping badger and her babies? Soo funny!

∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆ said...

please update your blog.
my work life is boring.
<3, adam c.