Friday, February 19, 2010


yesterday my daughter got 118 sight words right out of 120! most of you might not know what this means. but its awesome!
Sight words are mostly words that you should memorize just by looking at (AKA, the english language doesnt make any sense , ie. Should , Because, white, two , etc). so, they time them.. and run through flash cards.. and she got 118!! Im so proud! she rocks!
And, I am so angry at all the budget cuts that continue to happen to california. IT is the worst state for schools! we are so lucky to be in a good district! These people are our future! HELLOOOO!!!!!!!

yesterday consisted of, buying crickets and worms (Im so afraid to add up how much I actually spend at Waldo's), making softball roster, phone calls, lunch with bug, gardening committee, bought first softball helmet, softball practice (woah! these girls dont know how to play), HW. dinner..

And.. a call today from the Nurse. shes got a fever. =( poor baby. She wanted to lay on the couch and watch the olympic figure skating (guess tv is good for somethin!)
After a bit of motrin.. we are back to normal.

PS- THis post took me 3 times, roughly an hour, ( and I type fast!) to actually finish. inbetween
Avery running over and pressing the "A" button for kicks, ('"A" is for Avery. "A" is for Avery"),'Juniper telling me about more baby guppies I have to fish out, (MOMMY!!! no really!!! YOu have to get them out NOW or the flounder will eat them!!!!) , and my dear husband (god bless his heart, he has the best of intentions) untying the dirty apron i'm wearing whilst sitting at the computer trying to get in a little alone time after an awesome homecooked meal. ( seriously people. leave me alone. im just trying to blog here. Its my only hobby. cant you live without me for 5 freaking minutes. its all i ask of you)

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