Wednesday, November 5, 2008

obama mama

i think it will be so interesting to look back on this in 13 years (when juniper can vote) wow! crazy! thats really not that far away.
It was so funny this monday when juniper came home with coloring book pages of obama and mccain, and reciting their full names "Obrack Obama" and "John Acain"
Sometimes i underestimate my childs ability to understand whats going on. silly me. On tuesday they all got to vote in school and she came home talking about presidents , elections, singing that "grand old flag"song. Love it!
I wasnt raised very patriotic, my parents have to-this-day never registered to vote and didnt even watch the presidential speeches. HOwever, i do remember having a george bush calendar on my wall from my dad. um, random.
Although i have always voted, last night was the first time i was actually moved by a presidential election. (um..yes .tears trickled) I got sucked in. i want to believe . and he made me believe. and just thinking about how much has changed in the last 100 years, its unbelievable!
and , today felt more hopeful and free than the day before. and i know the excitement will wear off, and realistically, things cant change too drastically... can they? only time will tell.
But, My childs enthusiasm for her country was rejuvinating, her love for a president was awesome to see.
She didnt want to go to bed because she wanted to find out who won. I told her id wake her up and tell her when we found out. and i did. and she said "awesome" and went back to sleep.
im so damn proud to be an american. not a day passes that i dont think about how lucky i am to have been born and raised here.
although i am really freaking pissed about proposition 8. its been a bittersweet experience. so close. i just honostly cant believe california can take peoples rights away like that. its mind boggling. i cant grasp. um. yes. loss for words (thats why i take pictures. im not so good with the writing bit. all i want to do is use swear words, so ill stop here)


sweet said...

i think you meant "mind bottling."

∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆ said...

your kids are the best

jenijennjen said...

aww... wish i coulda seen them perform at school!! chloe sings that "grand ole flag" song all the time now!! ha ha ha! we'll be in the car on the way to soccer and she'll totally bust out into song. its great! obama mama's fo life