Friday, November 7, 2008


so, i feel soooo strongly about this proposition 8, to the point where, i wouldnt let my kids trick or treat at peoples houses that had that sign up. (HEy! If i cant stand out on the street corner all day, then i have to make a statement somehow!) that stupid sign with the families hands in the air, like the prop is "saving marriage" and families from a horrific fate. These days, families are soooo diverse. and divorce rates are so high. so, i think its really funny to discriminate against people who have been together for years, and dont have the right to marry. anyways...

What i wanted to say, was, i was sooo excited to see so many people on the streets (in PLEASANTON!!! ) with people holding signs against the proposition. I think we've come leaps and bounds since Proposition 22. I wanted to jump outta my car sooo bad (and fight back in a more productive way than back in ..what year was that?? oh my! 2000!!!) , but standing on a busy street corner with kids in tow, just didnt seem like it would be very fun or safe for more than a few minutes.

So, im not sure what the stats on our town were yet, but i know in 2000, almost every lawn had a prop 22 sign on it (well...for a moment at least. he he) and you would have never seen any pleasantonians standing on street corners. Im excited to see the new wave of families and pleasantons youth (they were standing outside amador with signs too!) standing up for peoples rights. its so refreshing.

I dont hold the same anger towards people that i once did about this issue. I know people of course are allowed their opinions, and have certain perspectives on things for religious reasons or what not. But, for me, before i really even knew any gay people, or before any of them were "out", I knew in my heart. it was just wrong to deny someone of what they wanted in life. to marry the person they love. how hard is that to ask? I know someday we will look back on this like the interacial marriage laws, and all the other discriminating "rules" we have evolved to change. But, in the mean time, its sad. Not just sad for gay and lesbians, but for me, to know, i am surrounded by people who feel the way they do, for whatever reason.

So, my daughter has a new friend. her very first playdate. at a house, without me. I guess this is the age this starts. im not sure. this, is the first in a long line of events where i will have to "let go". yikes, its hard.
and, the part that im sad about is, after making these plans for next week, i see the mom get into her mini van, and drive away with a yes on prop 8 sticker. =( shit.


sweet said...

we'll get there.
i don't know about pleasanton specifically, but every bay area county (except solano) said hell no on 8.
maybe next time you see her van, sneak up and put and "H" in front of the 8...not as evil as our old slashing ways...

∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆ said...

you are so great though raising your kids with the smarts to stick to their guys and what they believe in. i wouldn't worry about juni or avery. they'll grow up to be just as rad as their parents and have friends from all sorts of backgrounds & beliefs.

RE: peanut said...

I wish I was in Cali just so I could vote no on it. Marriage is for everyone; it's just time to rethink the verbage.
And Junie is smart enough to know the values her family stands for, and to stick up for them should the situation arise. She's a tough cookie.

jenijennjen said...

good post, darlin... everyone has the right to pursue their own happiness and no one should be issued that kind of power to decide who it is that you love!! live and let live, man
i love you