Monday, June 11, 2007

dance recital

adam gave me a fire wire for my camcorder...
Watch out everyone..ive got a whole box of 8mm with your name on it when you were 16, dancing, drinking,crying, making out,...etc etc..he he he

But until i find that box, Ill stick with the present...which is where I never imagined myself...filming my 4 year old and my husband dancing on a stage... I cant say I have ever felt happier in my entire life. funny where life takes you when you have no plan at all..

Here are my first ever imovies. click on the link. there's two videos. scroll down for the daddy daughter's a tear excuse the jumpy footage..i was half filming..half watching...half trying not to cry...

Dance Recital VIDEOs

1 comment:

leslaz said...

oh my gosh lori! I am completely crying at my desk! that was amazing. AMAZING. goodness.