Saturday, June 9, 2007


so today was crazy. i woke up early, cause..well.the kids get up too damn early. went to drop off some pics at the fair for the photography exhibit, went to a bday party, left early, put junie down for nap, woke her up, got her dressed for her amazing dance recital. And all this time...Pammy is on my mind. She left today. In her uhaul with her brother. down south..fuck. ill miss her so much i cant put it into words. The moment I was alone in the car driving my pictures to the fair, i burst into tears. at last it had hit me.
Then...after nap time i was so happyto be on schedule, and then I went to the wrong place!!! "performing arts center" instead of the "perfromaing arts theatre" had a near nervouse breakdown, since i was backstage mom i was supposed to be there early to take care of shit. and i didnt have a cell phone to find out where i really was supposed to i popped an emergency klonopin daniel had given me. it worked.
so, anyways..we made it.The show was amazing. tear jerking incredible. fuck. i cant explain it really. I am so lucky to have such an amazing husband. hes such an incredible father. I just watched him dancing up there with her, and my heart melted into a thousand pieces and nothing else in the world mattered. and i realized that nothing ever would matter more to me than my little family.
After the recital I had to go directly to a weddding. my very first wedding all by myself (of people i dont know anyways). and my assistant at the last minute says she can only stay till 6, (ceremony at 530)so i, of course panic (wish i had another klonopin) and scramble to get my kids and carseats to and fro and to peoples houses safe and sound so i can take brandon with me instead.and not be late!! mission accomplished,
brandon the assistant did a wonderful job. is there anything he isnt good at? jeezz..the guy blows my mind. We had a great time taking pictures together. I felt real old. Like one of those old couples who starts a business together and works together doing whatever it is they do. was funny. Huneke photography rocks. so i get home real late. We go to bed, and i wake up and for the first time in a long alone. no kids . no hubby. its real quiet. so i sip my tea and write a blog. weird how different today already feels. least for the next hour..I have to go to a wedding this morning. damn jews..getting married during the day? what the hell. jk. i love jews. ok. talk to you all later. i wont be posting much or doing much on here anymore but photo stuff, makign albums and things in photoshop for the next month or so. or at least thats what i should be doing. i miss pammy. i wish she was coming over for coffee this morning. =( here i go again..sniffle sniffle.

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