Friday, June 12, 2009

***tear drop

well, i made it all week. k graduation, last day of school, without a tear. at the end of today, juniper gets her piggy bank, empties it into a baggie, writes "mr sam" on it, and says,

"mommy, mrs cronin says we should give money for the people loosing their jobs. Mr m. lost his job, but he got a big giant job. a different job. mr sam didnt get a job yet. a lot of teachers are getting their jobs taken away. Mr sam cleans up the classroom when we go home. and he decorated for our graduation. lets go bring this to the school right now and give it to mrs cronin!"

I didnt think anyone would be there 4 hours after school was out,but we walked down there anyways. sure enough.. theres mrs cronin in her classroom.

on the walk home, holding my baby girls hand in mine, watching her skip along, face painted, purse draped over her arm, my little pony necklace on, polka dot baby legs, her little knobby knees, salt water taffys...a smile on her face...

. a tear. escaped . me.


∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆ said...

you guys are good parents raising good kids.

sweet said...

it's amazing that tiny body is big enough to hold her enormous heart. ditto adam.

Unknown said...

Wow! That is an amazing story, (i'm crying of course!) What a wonderful little girl and amazing parents!