Satruday.. wedding all day..
Saturday night I woke up with a random instant ear infection (not uncommon for me)
but.. it didnt go away. I did not sleep.
Sunday , I had no choice but to roll out of bed and work 8 hours at a wedding with a ruptured ear drum. (please God, can i just call in sick?)
THis had to have been one of the longest days of my life. seriously. there was blood dripping out of my ear.
It was Horrible!!!
By Monday, I figured I might as well hold out and just take it easy till Tuesday to see a dr (monday was a holiday of course. these things always have perfect timing).
But.. by Monday night at 1 in the morning.. i just couldnt take it anymore and I drove my ass to the ER.
The good news, I have prob lost about 5 pounds because the Norco make me feel so sick, i can hardly eat! LOL!
AND.. my doctor said.. when my eardrum heals back up.. I am finally getting tubes in my ears!!!!! YAYYYYYYYY.
sorry.. this may not seem very blog worthy.. but let me tell you.. i am super excited about this!
However, my Dr. is trying to convince me to have local anasteasia instead of regular surgery. "It just hurts for about 15 seconds while we stick the needle in your ear"
OMG! "um..... Ill have to think about that". (put me under baby)
I am finally just starting to feel better today. OMG . longest 4 days ever.